Are you curious how practicing mindfulness will impact you - and your patients' lives?

The Most Common Benefits of Mindfulness:
- Decreased stress and psychological distress;
- Enhanced mental health and functioning;
- Increased emotion regulation and self-control;
- Decreased anxiety, depression, worry, and rumination;
- Improved ability to focus and improved attention;
- Improved social and relational skills;
- Reduction in aggression and stressful behaviours;
- Reduced symptoms of burnout;
- Actual resilience.
The aims of this CPD activity are to:
- Learn a variety of Mindfulness techniques.
- Recognise situations where mindfulness based stress reduction techniques are useful.
- Utilise MBSR in your own life.
- Learn when to “prescribe” MSBR as an adjunctive therapy for patients when they experience situations that may be helped by the practice.
Learning Outcomes
- Describe how mindfulness generates awareness, reduces experiences of stress, and positively assists with chronic pain.
- Demonstrate a range of formal and informal mindfulness practices and exercises.
- Integrate at least 10 minutes daily of mindfulness practice into your daily routine for the duration of this course.
- Measure the impact of mindfulness practice on your own perceived experiences of stress using a self-administered Perceived Stress Scale & the online Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire.
- Determine situations in your own life and with your patients where mindfulness practice could be of benefit.
What You Will Get
- 8 week evidence based Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course
- 12 months unlimited access to the course. Do it once or repeat it as often as you like.
- Downloadable Mindfulness Learning Journal + Toolkit (daily + weekly use)
- Practice Wellness Mini-Audit
- Weekly exercises to help you incorporate the techniques into your daily life
- Interaction with course convenor via course platform/email
- Mindfulness and Chronic Pain - Patient Handout
- Mindfulness and Physical Pain - Patient Handout
- Mindfulness and Anxiety - Patient Handout
- Mindfulness and Stress - Patient Handout
You can start today, it is your choice...
Medical Mindfulness 101
Improve Focus & Resilience, Reduce Stress & Anxiety
Click Here to RegisterWhat do GPs who have completed the course say about MM 101?
Very impressed with this course - and will go back to listen to the lectures and meditation exercises in the weeks to come. Really enjoyed this ....... have found this course has significantly helped me engage further with my young children (who it seems have no trouble being aware in the present moment!). Have learned huge amounts particularly the stress contagion concept, as well as the physiological benefits of mindfulness.
It's a fabulous course! I wish there were more courses like this in my early career. It's so essential for healthcare workers to practice self care for ourselves rather than continuous self sacrifice for our patients.
I think the weekly topics are structured well. They are relevant and very easy to follow and understand.
I liked the soothing voice in the medications. But more importantly, I love all the information that you have collated in the lectures. They are what will give me ammunition for patients and colleagues to tell them that mindfulness works! There is scientific evidence behind it!
Thank you for this course and I hope you will do more of these for health practitioners and patients.
"Hi Lisa, I really enjoyed the course. Your voice is very relaxing. I noticed that I definitely need to slow down because there were several times that I checked to see if my airpods had stopped working, but it was just that you were taking a mindful pause. It helped me recognise how I try to do things on fast mode....Thank you for providing this course. I look forward to downloading some of the attachments and recommending this to patients."
"I really enjoyed this course as it helped me as well as helping my patients. I thought it was well presented and easy to engage with. I sometimes felt it a bit too slow but I think that I can now control this feeling and listen to my thoughts. I do not think there are any improvements and I am really grateful I found it as part of my Focused Psychological Therapies CPD updating. Thank you!"
"I loved this course. It has been incredibly eye opening... I loved having different meditations, have started journaling as a regular habit and have reduced my screen time. I have also been practising mindfulness with daily activities as well. I also liked the anchoring daily activities and scientific background behind mindfulness. Thank you Lisa!!"
"As a solo general practitioner, this activity has made me more calmer and able to cope better with my patients. This has reduced my stress and able to give better service to my patients without making any mistakes."
"I thoroughly enjoyed the course, and it has helped me so much from a mental health perspective... learnt so much and I'm not feeling so overwhelmed."
"The course was wonderful and given me many tools to use both on myself, my family and patients to achieve mindful meditation. Lisa is a fantastic mentor & instructor, and doing the course over 8 weeks really solidified the practice. I would love her to do a course for teenagers."
“Personally, I have felt much improved - I am sleeping better and my anxiety/stress levels have reduced. This has had an impact on my direct family members who have noticed my improved mental health.”
"I loved this course. The 8 weekly format helped me to establish mindfulness as a habit."
"I like the balance of science evidenced based information to complete the meditation components."
"I think this course is marvellous. Thank you for making us to know better about ourselves. I practiced all the concepts taught in your course...I enjoy the benefits now itself. Please continue your work."
"Loved the course. I feel I have learnt powerful skills to make my life and medical practice more meaningful.
I feel more engaged in consultations and have new treatment modalities for stress, chronic pain, anxiety."
"My PSS has improved in terms of my self compassion. I have again encouraged my patients to journal and be more structured and intentional in their own self care. It has been a very effective tool to remind myself to use more intentionally."
"More awareness and appreciation of nature in my surroundings. Greater awareness of unhelpful thoughts and ability to reframe them."
"The course was well crafted and encouraging for developing a personal mindfulness practice."
"Was very helpful and gave me a broader understanding of what mindfulness is about. Helpful to put grounding with breathing/focussed attention into practice daily, as a way of stepping back and seeing the bigger picture. Journaling was helpful... Good to be able to download the meditations.
Your individual comments were insightful and very helpful! Thanks for taking the time out to respond! was pleasantly surprised! (esp. when you responded whilst trekking in NZ!) Thank you, very helpful and enjoyable."
Want to register?
Do you practice in a regional, rural or remote area?
If so you may be eligible for this training to be fully reimbursed.**
* Risk Free Guarantee - If you are not happy, let us know within 24 hours and we'll refund 100% of your money back.
** If you live in a regional area you may be eligible to have the costs fully covered by a Health Workforce Scholarship Program (HWSP).
Multiple bursary payments totalling up to $10,000 per financial year are available for eligible General Practitioners, Nurses and Allied Health Professionals. (eg. you can claim the full $395 back and still have $9,605 left to spend on other education later in the year).
Specific Eligibility Criteria is subject to change and available on the HWSP websites. These HWSP bursaries are generally available for medical practitioners who provide services within a regional, rural or remote primary health setting. RRR settings as defined as Modified Monash Model (MMM) 3-7, ie. Practicing in or outside of a town of 50,000 residents or less.
Exact postcode eligibility can be found here.
Note: The process for HWSP bursaries is purchase access to the masterclass, receive your receipt from us, then claim your fees back from your HWSP provider. To insure there is no Return of Service Obligations (ROSO) you should complete your education within 6 months of applying for the bursary from HWSP.
What changes have GPs noticed in themselves since starting this course?
I found that this course was absolutely amazing. I have often struggled in the past with overwhelm and stress, and have tried meditation but never been able to "get it". This course has allowed me to leave my expectations at the door, and find a calmer point of view, with supportive videos and meditations, and whilst I am not at a full 20 minute solo meditation yet, I know that this is just the start of my meditation practice. I am so grateful!
More awareness and appreciation of nature in my surroundings. Greater awareness of unhelpful thoughts and ability to reframe them.
Loved the course. I feel I have learnt powerful skills to make my life and medical practice more meaningful.
I feel more engaged in consultations and have new treatment modalities for stress, chronic pain, anxiety.
It is a very useful tool for managing mental health presentations and also chronic pain.
I am calmer. I am less tough on myself. My thinking overall is clearer and I now recognise when it is not clearer that I am tired. I have become a person who does meditations or mindfulness practice daily BUT I am also forgiving and less likely to feel guilty if I don't. I believe I am better at setting limits and saying no as a clinician.
My stress levels have reduced according to the Perceived Stress Scale.
Improved sleep, slower eating, improved memory.
I've noticed that I am more attentive to my environment on daily walks. I am also more easily able to settle myself when triggers arise. On a practice level I am implementing 3 mindful breaths in between patients which allows me to be much more present. These changes are confirmed on my scores both on the Perceived Stress Scale and FFMQ.
More aware of thoughts and tension in body during stressful times at work. More able to step back to look at these factors and help reset.
I am more in control of my emotions.
I am generally calmer, and less overwhelmed with the pressures of my working day.
Improved awareness of my own emotions.
More rapid self-regulation
Improved sleep.
Breathing more. encouraging patients, staff and colleagues to take a breath when things are getting stressful. not feeling as burnt out. ability to step away from the political games that are going on at the moment with all the rubbishing of gps. awareness of the political games that government is playing with gps and medicare as well as public opinion. strategies to step away and focus on my job. not be as overwhelmed with helplessness and lack of voice.
Stopped rushing around as much, trying to practice mindfulness to reduce stress.
I have restarted daily practice, I had pushed it down as my time became more pressured. I have again noted the difference in my own mental health.
I have noticed I have become more aware of myself within a consultation and more aware of the patient. I have always practiced active listening but when mindful listening is added, it benefits the patient and myself. As many of my consultations are mental health related , the time to practice kindness to myself was often neglected. I have changed my timings of consults so that I do have time to look and reflect on myself and my patients
I am more aware of stress in the moment.
I notice myself checking in, grounding self.
Allowing myself to have time to be present - in fact prioritising it at times.
I have noticed changes in myself.
I have known about the theory for a while, but I am actually practising it more assiduously (gentle discipline) especially being aware of what I do, particularly when I have time by myself, e.g. walking for pleasure, on public transport, going to shops, doing exercises, addressing strangers ;translating knowledge into action.
I hold myself in check when could become impatient i.e.: waiting or when a plan needs review.
I try and go back on my internal platform and be grounded.
I think this time the habit will form (i.e. the (plant) cutting will take!)
I am also holding back on automatic judgement, which I know echo the attitudes in my upbringing and also medical training (observe assess ( judge ) and plan.
Less anxiety and stress, sleeping better with daily meditation and less feelings of being overwhelmed at work.
I have been practising mindfulness in my own daily life and at work.
[I'm] more relaxed, happier, less stressed, more able to be mindful/in the moment, less reactive to stuff that is out of my ability to control.
Improved my sense of living life as it unfolds instead of focusing on the past or future
Decreased my stress response to difficult situations both personal and professional
Increased patience and given me a new understanding of empathy and compassion that is less taxing for my own emotions.
I am more calm and appears to be able to focus more on tasks.
I have felt more grounded and calm within what is commonly end-of-year chaos, both personally & professionally.
[I'm] more aware of science behind mindfulness meditation.
I am happier
I am calmer especially in stressful situations
My concentration is better
My energy level is better also
i feel a more confident practitioner with the skill of Mindfulness added to my bow.
I am being very aware of my surroundings.
I became more patient, more attentive and more aware about my patients reactions as well as more in touch with my response and sensations!
Better awareness of self.
I, myself, have a chronic pain condition and facing major surgery. This course has been wonderful for assisting my own physical and mental health. In turn, I feel I am am less anxious dealing with especially difficult patients and thus more effective and efficient. I am less stressed but giving myself permission to care for myself as well as being less judgemental of my patients as well as myself.
My stress levels have reduced measurably on 2 scales
I have gained increased knowledge about the benefits of mindfulness to doctor and patient
And have more respect for the use of mindfulness in the management of chronic pain.
I am more relaxed. I pay more attention to what is around me. I notice when I am chaotic and am able to quickly focus. I have been doing mindfulness activities and decreasing my muscle and mental tension throughout the day.
You can start now if you want.
Medical Mindfulness 101
Improve Focus & Resilience, Reduce Stress & Anxiety
Start Today [Click here to go to check out]Lower stress for you and entirely relevant to your practice

What other changes have GPs noticed since starting the medical mindfulness course?
I'm calmer, more stable emotionally and less overwhelmed. To be able to be aware of one's emotions and not let them run wild and to be able to connect to the present moment by using very simple techniques really helps to prevent feeling wiped out at the end of the day. And hopefully will be able reverse burn out and stop fantasizing about leaving GP work.
I am more focused, I am able to step back when dealing with thoughts and emotions and not get lost in them.
Improved awareness of body.
I am more present during consults...less reactive.
More relaxed
More aware
More grounded!
I am focussing on improving my wellbeing, I have noticed my contentment as improved, I am getting less stress and better able to manage challenging situations. I have realised the importance of my own wellbeing in my career.
[I'm] making time to meditate daily; fitting this into everyday practice; this caused me to feel less stressed and better able to cope with demands during the work day; had some tools to demonstrate to patients and they received these well.
[I'm] Calmer
Less reactive
More pauses in the day for mindfulness, for which I am grateful
Discussing mindfulness and how it might benefit patients more
Self care and ability to say 'no.'
I have noticed that I am suffering less anxiety, sleeping better and relating to my family in a more relaxed and positive manner
As well certain aspects of my work appear to be less anxiety provoking esp with more difficult or demanding patients
Less focusing on things that might happen but usually don't
Less chattering monkey and invisible tiger
Much better interaction with staff at work
Taking time during the day for grounding, reflecting and noting the moment. Less negative self judgement and reduced sensation of anxiety.
This activity has come at a right time in my personal life circumstance.
Has made me calmer , more kinder and most importantly to be non judgemental of myself and others.
My relationship has gotten better in my personal life.
I am living more in present.
I can better manage stressful situations.
I have noticed a reduction in stress during consultations - relating to difficult consultations and time management particularly
I have had an increased ability to focus and listen during a consultation
Personally I have found my mood improved, stress reduced and less reactivity in difficult situations
Reduced rumination and overthinking
I have been able to be more present which has reduced the feelings of " autopilot" and reduced less helpful coping mechanisms.
Being present more and bringing the wandering mind back.
Improved my own work. Increased ability to interact and listen to patients picking up on small ques and clues more easily. Improved focus and ability to be more interactive with patients and staff.
I am more likely to pause and reflect in mundane moments and bring myself right into the present moment.
I am validated in my belief that multitasking does not serve me (or anybody else) and I have realized that this is contributing to a lot of chronic, stress related conditions in my patients. Society previously has made us belief, that -in order to be successful - multitasking is a desirable quality. I can see a huge percentage of especially women , raising a family and continuing their career, is suffering from stress related conditions, including poor digestion etc.
I have allowed myself to take the speed out of my life, cutting back on commitments, and just enjoying a slower pace.
I have become less stressed and overwhelmed. During this course and learning to practice mindfulness I have come to have a greater sense of calm and feeling that I can cope with what happens in my life.
Better focus
Better sleep
Less stress
A sense of calmness
Greater connection with others
Better work satisfaction
Enjoying the pleasure and not having guilt of taking some time out of the day just to be present.
Reduced stress.
Focus on completing priority tasks individually before moving to the next.
Reduced sense of feeling overwhelmed.
Improved attentiveness in interactions.
Improvement in general well-being.
More calm
Doing more formal mindfulness during the course than before As I have been using more informal and some formal forms in the past
Now getting a journal that I was not doing before
Sleeping better after the formal mindfulness at nights
Doing more mindfulness personally at work and including more of that in patient's treatments
Including practice buddies in my daily formal mindfulness/meditations + discussions/reflections/feedbacks
All the above have happened during this course despite encountered a few health and other stressful unexpected situations.
Markedly improved ability to be mindful in the everyday moments, greater patience in parenting, greater mindful listening.
I have been able to live in the moment more- to stop and experience what is happening to me right now rather than always thinking about what is next or what has been. I have been able to improve my meditation and mindfulness and calm the 'monkey' (at least at times!) to allow myself to relax which has helped with my general stress levels.
This course has definitely helped me learn more about mindfulness and meditation and be able to implement this both for myself and to help guide patients too.
I now realise that even small amounts of time being mindful can be really beneficial, even at work and that there are many ways to be mindful that I can choose according to what is most suitable given the time I have, what I'm doing at the time and where I am.
I am more relaxed, appreciate my life and things around me more and have a way to reduce my stress/ anxiety during a busy or stressful day at work.
I feel empowered to discuss a mindful approach with appropriate patients and to direct them for further help/ counselling connected with mindfulness.
I wanted to help my patients but I have actually helped myself first. I didn't realise how burnt out I actually was.
Coping better with daily stressors. Mood better and energy levels feel better. Can also advise patient to try to manage their stress and coping skills by using course and increase their mindfulness. Can also help patient with chronic pain.
I don't feel like I'm on auto pilot as much. I can pause and take a moment before responding or reacting. I'm sleeping well. I'm noticing everyday things more often and being grateful for what I have, what I can feel. I feel I'm more present in the moment.
I'm listening to patients friends family in a better way.
I find it easier to not get sucked into vortex of other peoples stress/ anxiety/ sadness. This has been very helpful to my work in engaging with patients and has been beneficial to my relationships.
I am much more self aware. I try to go slower and be present day-to-day. I notice my thoughts more, and remind myself that my thoughts are not facts. I feel I have many more ways to handle stress. I am sleeping better. I am more present to patients and family.
I am less stressed at work and home.
easier to focus and to be present at the moment.
I have stopped multitasking and it is more efficient and calming.
I feel more connected and present with my patients.
Are you curious how practicing mindfulness will impact you - and your patients' lives?