's purpose is to accelerate the transition from 'education created for everyone' to 'education for the individual GP .', established in 2013 in Sydney, Australia, emerged from a desire to revolutionise General Practice CPD. The founders questioned the traditional CPD system and embarked on a journey to create a more flexible, enjoyable, and tailored medical education platform for GPs.

We wondered if it was possible for every single Australian GP to co-create their own individual learning experience which would suit their and their patient's needs exactly.

The vision was to break free from outdated methods where 'education' was developed to somehow suit the needs of all 44,000 of Australia's GPs and instead, give more power to individual GPs providing them with an adaptable learning experience designed for modern practitioners. partnered with many of Australia's leading educators and independent conference organisations to create a 'Netflix like' experience for local GPs. Thus enabling GPs like you to learn exactly what you need, when you need.

Today, invites GPs to embrace 'personalized education' and offers a user-friendly, time-efficient, and individual learning environment. 

We allow you to enjoy education from incredible conferences held all over Australia.

We also offer Australia's favourite conferences the means to greatly expand their impact.

The revolution has begun. The shackles of CPD have been broken.

Welcome to the new world. 

A new world of education where you are finally in control of your own learning.

A new world where you can learn exactly what you and your community needs.

Learn More [Click here]


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